My Zagi 400




Here are some pictures of my "Zagi," kit, an electric radio controlled flying wing.

  Picture of the Zagi just about completed. Click on the picture for close-up.  
  Covering the Zagi with FliteKote film.  
  Detail of the filament strapping tape added for strength.  
  New. Video of the Zagi flying. Microsoft ASF format. Should work if you have Windows Media Player. Play it in a small window or it will be blurry. Yes, it was windy on landing.  

First Flight

-Feb 04, 2002-

  I was a little apprehensive about the first flight on this thing because of its unusual design. It has no fuselage to hold onto as you chuck it into the air (the plane has no landing gear so you can't just take off the ground with it). Trying to hand launch the craft by just holding the wing is awkward to say the least!

Okay, right near my house is a large open field, let's have at it. I hold the Zagi over my head by the front of the wing, zing it into the air and k'bink, boink, shwapop, right into the ground. Just as I expected. Hmm, looks intact. One more try....zoom, swoosh, yikes, whoa, phew! Almost hit the ground but now its up, up, and away.  A little up-trim a little right trim, and now she's flying beautifully. Once I got her trimmed out it was tracking straight and true. Loops and rolls are no problem. The Zagi is fairly fast at full throttle and quite docile at half throttle. Landing was uneventful. I can't wait to charge the battery and try it again.

-Feb 05, 2002-

Today is the second round of flying the Zagi. After some advice by members of the Zagi newsgroup on Yahoo I tried a different launching technique. Motor off, fingertips on the trailing edge of the wing near the prop, give it a good push. Then while its gliding away from you hit the throttle and you're off. Sounds scary but works like a champ. Took two flights on it. I may go out again later today for some more.

-March 16, 2002

Have flown the Zagi many, many times now. Today Grace acted as camerawomen and unintentional narrator. It was a windy day as evidenced on landing approach. See the short video here.

That's all for now.


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